Dreaming of the Olympics

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  • In high school I loved to play field hockey and it was always a dream of mine to play in the Olympics. That never happened but now I get to be in Beijing in what promises to be the most spectacular Olympics to date!
    In just under two weeks, the Beijing Olympic Games begin! There is great excitement all over the city! I am impressed with the level of organization that has taken place and the natural beauty with all the newly planted trees, flowers and shrubs is evident as it spans across Beijing in preparation for August 8.
    As the days draw closer to the commencement, my sense of anticipation also grows. I feel like this is a very historic time for China. It is the first time so many nations will be coming together in Beijing for such a grant event. What excites me is knowing that so many athletes are coming from all parts of the world and will be together for two weeks for one common goal.
    The other fascinating element of the Olympics are the buildings that have been designed for some of the events. The Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games on August 8 will be held at the Beijing Olympic National Stadium (also known as the Bird’s Nest). The 91,000-seat stadium will host the Olympics’ opening and closing ceremonies as well as athletic events.
    I haven’t actually bought tickets for any of the events. I figured it’ll actually be easier watching the athletes on TV like the rest of the world but it does excite me to know that I may bump into some of them while they’re in Beijing!
    Thought of the Day: “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.” Baha’u’llah


      jaleh July 29, 2008Reply

      i too am looking forward and counting the days for this special event. i love reading your blog Elly. thanks for writing so beautifully and regularly too!
      love you and thinking of you. Wish i were there with you all…

      Anna July 31, 2008Reply

      Yes, I’m in Los Angeles right now and everyone is talking about it and how hard the city is working to clean the air. I’m excited for China being able to be the host at such a historic time in they’re countries unfoldment. This may mark a huge turning point for the country. I am praying for it’s success. We are on the road and plan to get home in time to watch.

      Elika August 1, 2008Reply

      Thanks Jalehjoon and Anna for writing. Yes there is definitely a buzz of excitement in the air. Yesterday as I was driving away, I saw a few athletes leaving the Silk Market and it hit me that the Olympics are just a week away!

      Anna August 1, 2008Reply

      One of the teacher’s at my school was in the Olympic trials in Eugene, Oregon for the triple jump. I was sad that he did not make it because I know he has been training so hard. But with working two jobs and not any sponsorship it was very hard for him. All the teachers got together and helped him buy his air fare to Eugene. Did the young friend in Beijing get selected to carry the torch? There were many people trying for that. The Olympics was exciting in Australia because we knew of the torch bearer.

      Elika August 2, 2008Reply

      Thanks for your message Anna! I’m sure it was a disappointment for your teacher not to participate but what a gift it must have been for him to know how much he is loved and supported by his co-workers. Yes Luis carried the torch but only for a very short time! Yet I know it was thrilling for everyone who watched and for those who know him especially because he is SO young.

      jaleh August 2, 2008Reply

      less than a week to go!! exciting…

      Sherri August 8, 2008Reply

      Knowing that you’re in China makes the Olympics even more special for me!

      Elika August 11, 2008Reply

      Thanks Sherrijoon. We’ve been thoroughly enjoying this special time here!

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