Video 'Persecution' now available for download

Today marks the 2 year anniversary since the 7 Baha’i leaders in Iran were arrested and incarcerated.  The injustice towards them prevails and no real trial date has been set.  Currently, they are confined to two small cells in Tehran’s infamous Evin prison, without beds or bedding. They have neither fresh air, nor sunlight in their cramped cells, and are permitted outside for only two hours each week; circumstances that have had a harmful effect on their health.
About a year ago we released a video (thanks to Penny Filias) to accompany our song, ‘Persecution’, dedicated to the Baha’is in Iran who have been persecuted and imprisoned.  We have now made it available for free download on our gifts page.  Please feel free to download it and share it to bring awareness to their plight.
In case you haven’t seen the video, I’ve posted it here for you to view.


    Varya May 14, 2010Reply

    It wouldn’t download… Just the first picture and that’s it.

    jaleh May 15, 2010Reply

    Elly love thank you for putting this on again! I am so moved by it all…

    Glenn Franco Simmons May 15, 2010Reply

    Thank you for making this available. It is beautiful, extraordinarily so. Magnificent. However eloquent, words cannot describe the magnificence of this song when combined with the images, and a voice that is blessed by God, whose vocals are replete with a spirit that signifies a new day.

    Alex May 16, 2010Reply

    As relevant and powerful a song and video as it was a year ago!

    Elika May 27, 2010Reply

    Varyajoon, did you manage to figure out how to download? Others have said they were able to.
    Thanks Jalehjoon.
    Dear Glenn, your words are always so inspiring, encouraging and from the heart. Thank you for all your sincere words of love and support.
    Thanks Alex for your sweet words about the video.

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