Invictus – A Song in Honor of Nelson Mandela

The world has just lost a remarkable man who touched and inspired the lives of so many. All over the world, people have written loving words in his memory and I felt the best way I could pay tribute to him is through music. Nelson Mandela found great solace in the poem ‘Invictus’ (Latin for unconquered or undefeated) while he was incarcerated. He had written out the poem on a scrap piece of paper to inspire him during the difficult times in the 27 years he was in prison. Last night as I was reflecting on the life of this great man, I felt inspired to set the poem to music and am sharing the recording I made this morning in honor of Nelson Mandela. ‘Invictus’ was written by William Henley in 1875.
Here is the link to listen to and purchase the recording of ‘Invictus’.
My son just created a video for the song ‘Invictus’. To view it click here.

Here is the link to find the original image created by Roberto Torralbas.


    Roswitha Greis December 7, 2013Reply

    Thank you so much, dear Elika!
    What a beautiful tribute to him and wonderful gift to us who will miss him.

    bret breneman December 7, 2013Reply

    How absolutely wonderful!

    Elika December 7, 2013Reply

    Thank you Roswitha and Bret. I truly felt the melody for this piece was inspired and I was just used as a channel. It was such a moving experience to be able to record it.

    Cherida Creebsburg December 7, 2013Reply

    Dear Elika thank you so much for this gift! Your voice, your music with it wonderful healing energy! It brought me to tears! So will it touch Nelson Mandela’s Soul in the next World! Thank you for doing this!

    Sheila McGarey December 7, 2013Reply

    Heavenly! Thank you!

    Ivan Rosel December 7, 2013Reply

    Beautiful as always… Thank you Elika!

    Kiyoko Nanni December 7, 2013Reply

    Very moving, Elika! A divine tribute to a great soul! Thank you so much!

    Rowshan Shaheed December 7, 2013Reply

    Yes your work is appreciated by many, and I hope it awakens human consciousness to the atrocities still being committed. Thank you loved one. Keep up the good work.

    John Anglin December 7, 2013Reply

    A noble and powerful rendering to song of this poem…giving it wonderful meaning as well as a wonderful tribute to Mandela. Thank you.

    Shawn Singfield December 7, 2013Reply

    Beautiful, Elika! A beautiful tribute to such an important man!

    Jene Bellows December 8, 2013Reply

    O Elika! What a gift you are sharing with us. Your voice is splendid, thank you! No more words, just prayers that the world can really be a better place for the so many who suffer injustice. / December 8, 2013 – See more at:

    Elika December 8, 2013Reply

    Thank you all for your encouraging and kind words.

    Shohreh December 8, 2013Reply


    Jaleh December 8, 2013Reply

    Absolutely magnificent! Truly heavenly! Really beautiful! What a gift thanks love!

    Sarmad Garmroud December 8, 2013Reply

    Incredible! Thank you for sharing! I love this poem! 🙂

    Glenn December 10, 2013Reply

    Mr. Mandela is singing with a heavenly chorus. Another beautiful, soulful and heartfelt musical composition. If all of us could manifest such kindness and forgiveness in our lives, think of what a peaceful world we could have. It is within our reach.

    Jarome December 10, 2013Reply


    Elika December 11, 2013Reply

    Absolutely Glenn! Mr. Mandela is definitely surrounded and singing with a heavenly chorus! Thank you all so much!

  • Pingback: A Tribute To Nelson Mandela - Multicultural Kid Blogs

  • Ali December 16, 2013Reply

    Wonderful and moving song, Elika. Thank you so much for writing and sharing that 🙂

    Azin December 16, 2013Reply

    Absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much dear Elika…

    Dev Prashad December 16, 2013Reply

    Absolutely beautiful ! Love It !

    Yelena December 18, 2013Reply

    Thank you, Elika :)!!! Moving and gentle.

    Guillaume Giraud December 18, 2013Reply

    Thanks for letting God use you as a channel to uplift us with your beaufitul music and your soothing voice 🙂
    Best greetings from far-away Belgium.

    Elika December 19, 2013Reply

    Thank you all! I feel very blessed Guillaume that God does use me as a channel to express creativity. It is such a joy and such a gift to tap into the creative spirit.

    Munirih December 29, 2013Reply

    My dearest Elika. I was finally able to hear this powerful, moving piece…. just blown away by the combination of the strength and timbre in your beautiful voice and the words as they unroll…. Thank you for composing this poem to music and sharing it with all of us for our inspiration. Much Love.

    mogale December 31, 2013Reply

    nice one…

    Elika December 31, 2013Reply

    Thanks dear Muni! I’m so glad you felt inspired by the piece. The words are so powerful so I felt inspired as I was singing the lyrics and was moved by the power in them. Thanks for your loving encouragement.

    Karen February 10, 2014Reply

    I couldn’t hear the music because I can’t have flash player but I read the words and they are so beautiful
    What are we going to work out about the song I bought?

      Elika February 10, 2014Reply

      I’m sorry you couldn’t hear the song Karen. I have attached all the songs to your email so hopefully you’ll be able to download them that way. Let me know if that works for you.

    gerald villarba October 18, 2015Reply

    the invictus is a very emotional becaus na characte3r is ahh prison ;’

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