Remember not your own limitations

Remember not your own limitations

Three weeks ago I shared my first handwritten lyric video.  I was eager to receive your feedback and was happy to know that friends have been listening to the video to memorise the writings.  Listening to a melody over and over is one of the easiest way to memorise a prayer or writings.

I am sharing my next handwritten lyric video singing the inspiring quotation by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, ‘Remember not your own limitations..’.  I find this quote particularly timely.

Lyrics are below:

Remember not your own limitations; the help of God will come to you. Forget yourself. God’s help will surely come! When you call on the Mercy of God waiting to reinforce you, your strength will be tenfold. -‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Paris Talks, p. 95

Watch Remember not your own limitations Video

In other news, I just hired a talented videographer to make a video for the piece ‘A Radiant Heart’.  She will be using some wonderful videos with special permission!  I’m so excited to share it with you.  Thank you to my 39 Patrons for making this upcoming video possible.  If you’d like to support my music and the making of further videos visit

Remember not your own limitations


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