I am so touched by all the loving emails sharing that prayers are being recited around the world for dear Ruhi and Haydn. Thank you also for your prayers for China. Even though many friends have been confined to staying home, everyone’s spirits are high.
The long healing prayer recording is well under way… The next step is to refine the vocals and have the producer edit the piece and mix it. Thank you for all the love and support for this project.
If you want to contribute towards the long healing prayer project, you can pre-order the song by making a donation. Whatever amount you wish to donate will be most gratefully appreciated.
I look forward to sharing more about the joys and challenges of recording this incredible prayer soon.
Today, I felt inspired to share with you a video titled, ‘Where there is love’ (from the album ‘Birds of Love’). We are in such need of this quality as the world is facing a myriad daily challenges.
>>> Watch ‘Where there is love’ <<<
I am sharing an uplifting quotation below that I found recently. Feel free to download/screenshot it.
In the future I will share more quotations in my email messages so if you have a favorite quotation that you would like me to make into a graphic, simply reply to this email and I would be happy to consider it. 🙂