I’m excited to share a new video titled Boundless Love from my album Infinite Bounty on the theme of detachment.
The words to the song are taken from a talk that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave in Paris during His travels in Europe over one hundred years ago. His prayer and advice is so moving and relevant to today’s world that I wanted share more of the quotation with you:
“I supplicate that you may become as new beings, illumined with the Divine Light, like unto shining lamps, and that from one end of Europe to the other the knowledge of the Love of God may spread.
May this boundless love so fill your hearts and minds that sadness may find no room to enter and may you with joyful hearts soar like birds into the Divine Radiance.
May your souls receive help and comfort, and, being so strengthened, may they be enabled to live in accordance with the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh.
I pray for each and all that you may be as flames of love in the world, and that the brightness of your light and the warmth of your affection may reach the heart of every sad and sorrowing child of God.”
🎵 Download Boundless Love on Bandcamp
As I started thinking about the video I kept wondering what images to use to evoke the idea of ‘boundless love’… then the idea came to me to use time lapse videos of flowers opening to depict how God’s boundless love is reflected in creation.
I like to think that the beauty of the unfolding flowers is like the growth of our souls over the course of our lives. What do you think?
Many thanks to John Thompson for arranging and producing the song.
I would be so grateful if you would watch the video on repeat 😁 and would so appreciate it if you write a comment on Youtube. Thank you so much!
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