It fills my heart with joy to make the song and video available in time for the Twin Holy Birthdays of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh. I am immensely grateful to collaborate on this song with my dear and talented friend, Luke Slott (see photo at the bottom of the email).
Download the song by clicking the cover photo below:
The song revolves around nine sublime titles given to the Báb by Bahá’u’lláh, each reflecting a facet of the Báb’s unique spiritual station. Through this piece we wish to call to mind the beauty of the Báb as we approach the celebration of the Twin Holy Birthdays.
My profound gratitude to my Patrons for enabling this song to come to fruition through their generous support. Many thanks to my producer Jarome Matthew for making the song shine.
► Thank you for sharing the video with your friends and loved ones. I look forward to hearing your thoughts after you watch it. If you feel inspired, kindly leave a comment under the video.