A Spontaneous Composition

Lately I’ve been feeling very inspired to create and write new music.  Perhaps it’s because I’ve been in a much more contemplative mood since the passing of my mother-in-law thinking about her life and her soul.  In the last week, every time I sat at the piano I felt like a fountain overflowing.  It’s a lovely sensation trying to capture whatever flows out so I’ve had several sessions of just allowing myself to create freely.  A few days ago, I decided to record an impromptu piece and have included the spontaneous recording below.  Please note that it’s rough as it was the first time I played what you hear for the recording.  Creating spontaneously definitely requires letting go completely of any thoughts or attachments or even wanting it to sound good (it also takes courage to share it on the blog as it’s very rough).  It is a process of just allowing my fingers to play whatever my heart leads me to.  I’m trying to think of a name for the piece and would love to hear what thoughts or feelings it evokes in you and any titles you can think of.
I’m currently working on an instrumental CD and haven’t decided whether or not I should develop this piece and add it as one of the tracks.  So far I’ve recorded 6 tracks of different piano instrumentals and hope to record and finish the rest by the end of this year.  I will definitely keep you updated.
Here is the piece I recorded.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts, suggestions or titles. Thanks for listening. 🙂


    Tarry June 9, 2010Reply

    it is beautiful. it reminds me of a sunrise.

    Michelle June 9, 2010Reply

    Rough? Really? Wow. If that’s rough, then what does smooth sound like? 😉 Beautiful. But, I love the piano, so…it gave me chills, which usually, for me at least, is an indication that whatever it is, is of the Spirit. 🙂

    Marilyn June 9, 2010Reply

    Nice! It reminds me of soft-flowing waters…

    Rick June 9, 2010Reply

    Elika, I think you should put this on the album as is. Warts and all. The fact that there are so few of them only adds to the charm. Call it “Soliloquy.” Better yet, call it “Soliloquy #1”
    This is so good, I think you should do it some more. Read Bill Evans’ liner notes for “Kind of Blue” (you can find them on the web). Then listen to Keith Jarrett’s Köln Concert. The concert will discourage you at first, (How can anyone do this for 26 minutes straight, and then another almost 40 minutes after that!?). Keep listening to it. Listen to how he explores a simple melody, and the harmonic structures he pulls together. You will get ideas from it.
    You don’t have to be Keith Jarrett, or Bill Evans, or John Coltrane. You only have to be Elika. You’ll be amazed at the music you have in you.

    jaleh June 10, 2010Reply

    It’s absolutely amazing…I love it! It shows your tender spirit. it is passionate yet subdued. Name: Passion, Tenderness… Well done my love please keep producing and in this spirit of just capturing the moments to compose. After reading the above I do love Soliloquy #1! and i love you!

    Bernie June 10, 2010Reply

    Beautiful composition Elika! To me it sounds like you are telling a story….a very emotional story….but there is always peace in it….it really touched me and I think you should absolutely include it on your new CD!

    Barbra June 12, 2010Reply

    I am enraptured by how you creatively work, especially when you allow the spirit to spontaneously and divinely direct your creation. I draw much inspiration from this way of working and is what draws me to your music. As I listened, I thought of the wayfarer’s journey and came to the title of “Unconditional Trust”.

    Aarmin June 14, 2010Reply

    Well done Elka.
    Very nice.
    For the title, something as simple as ‘Flow’ or ‘Flow Gently’.
    Advise no changes for an initial release, that would preserve the spontaneity and improvisation, the main forte. You may always compose variations with whatever ‘polish’ at a later date.
    You have a good talent, may it grow, give you deep satisfaction and take it as far as you wish.

    Bobbie June 15, 2010Reply

    Absolutely beautiful. Reminded me of a gentle rain. “Softly the Rain”

    Elika June 18, 2010Reply

    Thanks Tarry! I like the name ‘Sunrise’.
    Hi Michelle and Marilyn – it was definitely from the spirit… Thanks for your comments.
    Hi Rick – thanks so much for your welcome advice. I will definitely look into Keith Jarrett (have listened to some of his music before) and the others you mentioned. Thanks for the encouragement.
    Jalehjoon – love you too! Will keep letting it flow….
    Thanks dear Bernie. I think I will keep it on the CD. 🙂
    Barbra – thanks for your input on the title! Lovely!
    Hi Aarmin, I really like the title ‘Flow’.
    Hi Bobbie – thanks for your contribution.
    It seems that the feeling of water is very much prevalent in the instrumental as some of you have shared that it reminds you of flow of water or rain. Thanks for all your insights for the title. Will be difficult to choose!

    Shohreh June 26, 2010Reply

    Lovely, graceful piece.

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