Which album title do you prefer?

Posted in : Baha'i, music, Photography, video on
  • Last month I sent out an email to those subscribed to my mailing list and asked for suggestions and thoughts on some titles for my upcoming album.  The theme of the album is detachment and I would love to hear your ideas also.  The two front runners are ‘Infinite Bounty’ and ‘Boundless Love’.
    I also asked for ocean photos and am grateful for the many responses.  I have received quite a few photos so far and have decided to make a slideshow of them to accompany one of my upcoming pieces (my daughter will be creating the video).  So thank you to those of you who sent photos from all over the world.  I look forward to sharing the slideshow once it is finished.
    I would love to know which title you prefer (you can comment below): ‘Infinite Bounty’ or ‘Boundless Love’.

    Ocean photo

    Photo submitted by Pamela Douglas



      Cheri King July 24, 2014Reply

      I prefer “Infinite Bounty”, as it’s not so common in our everyday language and thoughts. More in line with prayer and meditation … and the infinite possibilities and grace.

      bret breneman July 25, 2014Reply

      What about “Boundless Bounty”? Too poetic?

      Kenneth Bowers July 25, 2014Reply

      I like “Infinite Bounty”. It sounds more prayer like.

      Shawn July 25, 2014Reply

      “Infinite Bounty”! 🙂

      Fiona Doomun July 25, 2014Reply

      Hi darling! I love the title ‘Infinite Bounty’, but whatever you choose will be beautiful!

      Jarome July 25, 2014Reply

      I agree that Infinite Bounty is a nice title, all the best with completion of the new album!

      vinnu ravindran July 26, 2014Reply

      Hi Mrs.Mahony, Anything you choose will be LOVELY, But I prefer “INFINITE BOUNTY” would be NICE.

      Peymane July 26, 2014Reply

      Boundless love and detachment go well together – but both lovely!

      Elika July 27, 2014Reply

      Thank you all so much for your input. I truly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

      Alfred Neumann August 10, 2014Reply

      I like both titles, but prefer Infinite Bounty. It is unusual and I think would prompt persons to want to explore further. All good wishes with the new project.

      Elika August 13, 2014Reply

      Thank you Alfred. I have chosen the title ‘Infinite Bounty’ as many friends like it also.

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