Love is…

My friend Glenn often creates beautiful and inspiring slideshows.  Below is a video that he created recently called ‘Love is’.  I am honoured that he has used two tracks from my Glimmerings album entitled, ‘Awakening’ and ‘Dawning’. Enjoy!



    Marilyn sannemalm October 10, 2015Reply

    Most beautifully done! ?❤? Wonderful collection of quotes!
    Enjoy the music!

    Sarmad October 10, 2015Reply


    Hirrle October 10, 2015Reply

    Love is…When nobody lookes more for getting money …..but only for life and to help others
    lovely greatings Elke

    jaleh October 14, 2015Reply

    Loved this! Beautiful meditation. Thanks!

    Elika October 14, 2015Reply

    Thank you all for your sweet comments. Glenn takes the most beautiful photos and combines them with such inspiring Writings!

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