Join My Mailing List

Posted in : Inspirational, music on
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  • Lately I have been thinking about how to make my mailing list/music newsletter more inspiring and have decided to share some rough music from time to time as well as inspiring quotations on a hidden link that is only accessible to my mailing list.  I am inviting friends to join to have access to my ‘Little Inspirations’ page and to share the latest news/updates about my music and creative projects. To join just add your name, email and the city you live in and you will be sent a link to a gifts page which includes 6 music downloads for free! Kindly share this post with friends you think would be interested.  And if you have joined already, thank you for all your support.

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      Bonnie January 3, 2016Reply

      Thank you

      Sarmad January 3, 2016Reply

      Yay! 🙂

      jaleh January 4, 2016Reply

      Wonderful love!

      kimberly January 6, 2016Reply

      Dear Elika, I nominate my best friend Alina, from Poland; we started out as pen pals; anyway Alina and Andrew have been married since dec 25 1980They survive when Poland was communist, The raised two beautiful children who are young adults now, the daughter is married.
      alina and Andrew spychala
      I love your new cd

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