Infinite Bounty Music Giveaway!

Two years have passed since the release of my album ‘Infinite Bounty’ and I am celebrating by having a music giveaway!
Nominate one person you wish to receive an ‘Infinite Bounty’ digital album by writing their name and what you appreciate about them in the comments section below and they could win a free download of the complete album (you can nominate yourself if you don’t have it).  I will randomly pick 5 people (or more depending on how many entries there are) and send them a link to the album.  I look forward to choosing 5 winners on Tuesday, November 22nd (Beijing time)!
Here is a link to listen to the full album.
I look forward to receiving your nominations below for the giveaway.
[NOTE: The winners for the giveaway have been chosen!]
Infinite Bounty 2 year anniversary


    Mirshal Lourdusamy November 15, 2016Reply

    I woulc like to nominate my dearest friend, Tan Su Mei to win this giveaway. She has been one of the greatest superwoman I know who juggles between service, family, friends, work and leisure. She has sacrificed so much and constantly puts everyone before herself. She admires your music a lot and lives a very humble life who may not be able to afford buying. Therefore, I hope this is one of the few tiniest things I can do for her to help her serve the community better.

    Mojdeh Mutale November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my sister Sana Honarmand, For her strength in finding determination and confidence, through her great reliance and trusting in God’s Wisdom and Mercy, with which she has faced many challenges throughout the last 7 years, since she was diagnosed with an Autoimmune disease in late 2009, Which made her totally immobile and we almost lost her at one strange when she was admitted in ICU…! God had other plans…the doctors told her that she will never be able to walk again, but With God’s Will and her Faith in Him she is proving them wrong and with intensive physio she is improving her body’s strength little by little, day by day and hoping to walk again one day.

    Payam November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my dear friend Melika because of her services 🙂

    Anita November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like my best friend Janine to win this beautiful inspiring music. She is always there when I need her despite the fact that she has so many challenges herself. It is her love for God, Bahá’u’lláh that keeps her going.

    David Takagi November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominante myself. I think I had a copy of INFINATE BOUNTY, but I have misplaced it and would like to recover it. i share your music with many people as I also share Bahá’i Verses.

    Richard Graham November 15, 2016Reply

    Ah I wish…but my life at this moment is one of only service and no material distractions like a home or possessions. Still…love the life you and Tarry have carved out and the beauty you continually find inspiration for!

    Beto Alvarez November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my wife Angela Palacios

    Marshall Royse November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my friend Dana. He’s our newest Baha’i and excited to learn more about the Faith and he loves music.

    Joanne Estes November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my twin sister, Joyce, to receive your album. She loves Baha’i music and I know she will be so inspired by this album. We are kindred spirits and I know this will make her very happy.

    Lynette Garcia November 15, 2016Reply

    I nominate my sister, and spiritual daughter who is facing a rare disease of the liver. Your beautiful voice and the words of The Blessed Beauty would be a source of love and joy for her soul.

    Lara Kearns November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate myself Lara Kearns. I appreciate that I’m loving and caring

    Kimberly Gila November 15, 2016Reply

    Hello elika
    l would like to nominate my 94year old mom who is knight of bahaullah who was a pioneer to Spanish Morocco from 1953 to 1961 during 10 year crusade. To this day in las Vegas she is still going strong even though she has been caring for her husband because he has been sickoff and on this but she moves along with the grace bahaullah .she still drives her car.she bowls for exercise and to be with her friends. My step father her husband has started to bowl again. My mom has a strong personality.

    Kimberly Gila November 15, 2016Reply

    Hello again elika
    l forgot to mention my mom sings in bahai choir in las Vegas.she does firesides in her home.

    Kolya Schweppe November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my wife, Yingning Li Schweppe. She left her home country to dtay with her family and is a great mother and active Baha’i. She’s doing a good job facing life’s challenges and has supported me when i needed time to finish my master’s thesis (3rd attempt)

    Arthur Decker November 15, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my friend Seamus McClare. He has recently told how impressed he has been with the Baha’i Writings. He is a Muslim by faith. He teaches English and is truly a world citizen. Right now he is in Turkey. Before that he was in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. I think he would enjoy the tracks in Chinese.

    Anne Perry November 16, 2016Reply

    I nominate David Noll, who serves tirelessly through his music. He sings to uplift and is able to spontaneously set the sacred verses to music and sing them! He struggles with some form of autism and has conquered many challenges. He humbly sings in senior centers for small fees. . . .

    Melica November 16, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my dear friend Payam. We know each other by our services. He sent some of your tracks and it was the first time I Listened to your music.

    Shohreh Moldenhauer November 16, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate GRAHAM NICHOLSON;
    He is a dedicate Baha’i serving The Faith on daily basis.

    Terri Rene DaVar November 17, 2016Reply

    I nominate Glenn Franco Simmons. His absolute love of your music is why. His creative, artistic soul as displayed in his nature photographs & his writing ought to be welcomed and recognized.

    Kathy November 18, 2016Reply

    I nominate Phillip Rizzato to receive your free album. He has introduced me to your music, interesting books, and is my “tech” guy!

    Alan November 20, 2016Reply

    Alicia Cundall, is my nominee. She has always been a helper and true friend. She brought the gift of music and laughter to our family as we free up together. Thankyou, Alicia, for all that you do.

    Kristina Kolley November 21, 2016Reply

    I would like to nominate my friend Sarah. She — as she puts it — is searching for something to believe in. I am going to give her a copy of the Hidden Words, and I thought your album would make for a beautiful complement, not to mention providing calm and a source of inspiration during her study breaks.

    Kristina Kolley November 21, 2016Reply

    Also, your giveaway has introduced me to your beautiful music and has compelled me to discover it myself. 🙂

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