I’ve been greatly enjoying working on one of the sweetest video montages ever: arranging gorgeous images of adorable little ones to accompany the ‘Prayer for Infants’ that I recently set to music. I’ve had a constant smile on my face throughout the process and would ..
A few months ago I released a track entitled, ‘Prayer for Infants’ for my just-born nephew. I would love to create a photo montage of newborns to accompany the music and need your help with photographs of babies (newborns up to several months ..
I’m so happy to hear that friends are enjoying the new release, ‘Prayer for Infants’, and are also sending it as gifts to loved ones with babies. I was hoping it would be shared so that mothers could learn to sing ..
I’m excited to share the newly released ‘Prayer for Infants’. Thank you for your input about the font you like best for the cover. I read each suggestion which helped me make a final decision. I chose the flowery font as it flows ..
It is hard to believe our son, Taraz, has now graduated from high school and soon will be embarking on the next adventure in his life. The graduation was a unique and moving event that was held at the Confucius Temple in ..
Dedicating this beautiful quotation to all my friends who are mothers. May your day be filled with love, joy and blessings! A friend recently requested to download this art print, so I have now made it available for download on ..
I am delighted that so many of you have shared insightful comments on a previous post about what makes a marriage/relationship successful. Many thanks to those of you who took the time to post your comments especially to the couples ..
One of my birthday wishes this year was to record some songs with my children so that I could have a memory of us creating and jamming together. Just a couple of days ago, we had the opportunity to record ..