Category : Family

The Perfect Birthday Gift!

My new album ‘Infinite Bounty’ was delivered to my home just in time for my birthday!   The timing could not be more perfect! 🙂 I spent part of my birthday packaging the CDs and finishing up the specialty cards ..

The Captain of His Soul

I was recently asked to write an article for the Multicultural Kid Blogs to commemorate Nelson Mandela day on July 18th. When Mandela passed away, I felt the best way I could pay tribute to him was through music. During ..

Dancing with my Daughter – New instrumental

As I wrote in my last blog, my daughter just graduated from middle school. It definitely feels like there has been a transition in the family as I now have two high school students living in the house. When my ..

My Daughter is Growing Up!

My daughter graduated from middle school last night! I feel torn – excited and pensive all at once. The child I once knew is no longer. She is a young lady now, more independent, more wise and full of life. ..

Dedication for Mothers Day!

Dedication for Mothers Day!

Baha’i prayers set to music with videos for women on Mother’s Day! The prayers include Daughter of the Kingdom and Fragrances of Holiness.

Bonding while Baking

I’ve been spending a little more time in the kitchen lately baking with my daughter.  I am always looking for creative ways to spend time with her and we have found that bonding while baking is a great way to ..

Easy Strawberry Jam Recipe

The festival of Ayyam-i-Ha has now passed and I just wanted to share a recipe of homemade strawberry jam that I made as gifts for our neighbors a couple of days ago. Here is the recipe which I found on ..

Anniversary Song for my Hubby!

Recently my hubby and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary!  I wanted to give him a special gift this year so I composed a song in his honor called, ‘On the Wings of an Eagle’. The first three verses were ..

Fasting Prayer Set to Music with my Son

This is the first year my son is observing the Baha’i fast and so I decided to take one of my favorite fasting prayers and print it on a beautiful illuminated card for him as a gift. Today I gave ..

Ayyam-i-Ha is here!

The season of Ayyam-i-Ha is upon us and it is one of the most festive times of the year for Baha’is. During these days, Baha’is all around the world celebrate Ayyam-i-Ha which is a time of bringing cheer to others, ..