Yesterday I had the pleasure of singing at an outdoor wedding and it was the first time I’ve ever sung in the rain! The weather has been sunny recently so it was unexpected that the day of the wedding it rained non-stop ..
This is one of my favourite quotations on love from Abdu’l-Baha which I included on an album I released a few years ago entitled ‘Birds of Love’. A few days ago, I shared a link to a new page on ..
Many couples around the world have been celebrating Valentines Day and so it seems like a good opportunity to share with you a new page on my website with resources for nurturing love and marriage. The page includes two e-booklets ..
Friends often ask me for wedding gift ideas. Material gifts are often what come to mind, but a few years ago I felt that I would really like to have something more meaningful to celebrate such an important occasion in ..
Thank you for sending in all your nominations for couples you admire for our anniversary music giveaway. I received over 50 nominations for couples living around the world and was so touched reading through them all. I could feel so ..
Today is our 21st wedding anniversary and I’m so grateful to be married to such a sweet, kind, loving and supportive husband. He has always allowed me to pursue what I love and encouraged me in my personal and spiritual ..
I am delighted that so many of you have shared insightful comments on a previous post about what makes a marriage/relationship successful. Many thanks to those of you who took the time to post your comments especially to the couples ..
I have often discussed with friends what makes a marriage successful and enjoy asking long time married couples any secrets they would like to share about their relationship. In order to explore this topic further and to hear from your ..
One of my birthday wishes this year was to record some songs with my children so that I could have a memory of us creating and jamming together. Just a couple of days ago, we had the opportunity to record ..
Recently my hubby and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary! I wanted to give him a special gift this year so I composed a song in his honor called, ‘On the Wings of an Eagle’. The first three verses were ..