Category : World

Unite Video

To start the new year, I wanted to share this wonderful video called ‘Unite’ that my talented friend, Ali Youssefi produced. I’m so glad to have been a part of the project. Enjoy! Here is the link to download the ..

An Interview with Baha'i Blog

I am thrilled to share that Naysan Naraqi from Baha’i Blog interviewed me about my new album, ‘Infinite Bounty’. The interview discusses what’s unique about the album as well as what I hope friends will take away from hearing the ..

Infinite Bounty Released!!

After two years of hard work, I am so excited to share with you the release of ‘Infinite Bounty’, my new album! What makes this product unique is that it is a book and a CD in one package. The ..

Deluxe package: Infinite Bounty CD/book + Original art card

Art is one of my passions and I am often trying to find ways of incorporating art with my music.  So together with the upcoming release of my album ‘Infinite Bounty’ on November 14 (tomorrow!), as one of the options ..

Infinite Bounty release date: November 14th!

I am absolutely thrilled to let you know that my upcoming album, ‘Infinite Bounty’, will be released on November 14th! I have been working on this album for almost 2 years and am beyond excited to be able to share ..

China National Symphony Orchestra musicians record on Infinite Bounty

China National Symphony Orchestra musicians record on Infinite Bounty

Down a little alleyway, tucked inside a hutong in the heart of the city lies one of the top recording studios in Beijing: Tweak Tone Labs.  Last week we held the final string recording session for ‘Infinite Bounty’ at this ..

Cover for 'Infinite Bounty' Chosen!

I am one step closer to releasing my album, ‘Infinite Bounty’, and am very happy to share with you that I have now chosen the cover design for the album. I had asked the friends on my mailing list to ..

"Hands of the Cause" book released!

After a seven year labor of love, I am delighted to finally share that our book ‘Hands of the Cause of God: Amelia Collins, Dorothy Baker, Tarazu’llah Samandari’ has been published and is now available for purchase on my website. ..

ALS Ice Bucket challenge in honor of Morrie!

A few days ago, my dear friend Julie Iraninejad nominated me for the ALS ice bucket challenge! What is interesting, and I’m sure it’s no coincidence, is that I just finished reading the book ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ over the summer ..

Video for 'Infinite Bounty'

I would like to thank you for your input on the album title. A great many friends wrote and shared their suggestions and creative ideas. In the end, the name liked by the largest number of people was ‘Infinite Bounty’ ..