I am enjoying this period of prayer and fasting as it has been nourishing to be able to reflect, create and spiritually rejuvenate. I would like to share a most recent rough recording that I made with my daughter (my ..
The Baha’i Fast is a mystical and creative time for me. I look forward to these 19 days of fasting and enjoy spending time reflecting, praying, meditating and creating. One is able to delve deeper during these days and focus ..
Tomorrow is the last day of the Baha’i Fast and the beginning of the celebration of the Bahai New Year (Nawruz). I always find the fast goes by so quickly and have mixed feelings about it ending. It is one ..
This is the second reflective piece in the series of four that we are sharing during the Bahai fast (here is the link to the first one entitled ‘Create in me a pure heart’). Arzhia Habibi recites so beautifully the ..
This is the first year my son is observing the Baha’i fast and so I decided to take one of my favorite fasting prayers and print it on a beautiful illuminated card for him as a gift. Today I gave ..
I have been looking forward to fasting this year as it’s a time to slow down and focus one’s attention on reflecting and spending more time praying and meditating. This break in our daily routine allows us the opportunity to ..
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how busy our lives become when we allow our priorities to get muddled. It is easy to make excuses and not make time for those things that bring calm and tranquility to our lives. ..