Light for the World Video

Light for the World Video

These days have been heavy as the world watches the suffering of many victims of war and conflict. 

For the last several months I have been working on a new piece titled ‘Light for the World’ and had planned to share the video with you on Naw-Ruz.  As I was finishing the final edits yesterday I was moved to tears reading the potent words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and felt a sense of urgency to share it with you now. 

▶︎ Watch ‘Light for the World’ 

✨I would so appreciate you leaving a comment and liking the video so youtube algorithms share it with a larger audience. 🙏

🎵 Listen to / download ‘Light for the World’

‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s inspiring words are a balm to the soul. I hope you will share the video with your friends to bring solace and comfort. 

The instrumental piece is an original piano composition filled with vocal harmonies to complement the soaring melodies. At one point in the song there are over 9 tracks of voices culminating to give the listener a sense of grandeur. The myriad voices tell a story of joy, elation, tearfulness and inspiration as we read selected words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá:

“…love is light, no matter in what abode it dwelleth;
and hate is darkness, no matter where it may make its nest.”

The song is now available to stream on all platforms.

I hope that the spiritual energies from our prayers during the Fast will bring protection to friends in need.

There is also another video titled ‘A Thought of Peace’ with the powerful words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá that are on a similar theme. I will share the blog post here.

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